Disruptability [+]

Species Disruptability Reference Submitter
P. berghei ANKA
PlasmoGEM (Barseq) PlasmoGEM

Mutant phenotypes [+]

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Imaging data (from Malaria Metabolic Pathways)

Subcellular location of 14-3-3 in asexual blood stage parasites. Using anti-14-3-3I antibody in immunofluorescence assay, the Pf14-3-3I protein was localized in both nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. This dual location is consistent with the pleiotropic role of 14-3-3 proteins that are involved in the regulation of subcellular localization, activation or inhibition of enzymes, and signal transduction.Dastidar EG, Dzeyk K, Krijgsveld J, Malmquist NA, Doerig C, Scherf A, Lopez-Rubio JJ. Comprehensive histone phosphorylation analysis and identification of pf14-3-3 protein as a histone H3 phosphorylation reader in malaria parasites. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e53179.

See original on MMP

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