Disruptability [+]

Species Disruptability Reference Submitter
P. berghei ANKA
RMgm-102 Imported from RMgmDB
P. berghei ANKA
PlasmoGEM (Barseq) PlasmoGEM
P. falciparum 3D7
12228245 Theo Sanderson, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
P. falciparum 3D7
USF piggyBac screen (Insert. mut.) USF PiggyBac Screen

Mutant phenotypes [+]

Species Stage Phenotype Reference Submitter
P. berghei ANKA Asexual
No difference
RMgm-102 Imported from RMgmDB
P. berghei ANKA Gametocyte
No difference
RMgm-102 Imported from RMgmDB
P. berghei ANKA Ookinete
No difference
RMgm-102 Imported from RMgmDB
P. berghei ANKA Oocyst
Difference from wild-type
Normal production of oocysts. Sporozoites fail to egress from midgut oocysts. Within the oocysts the sporozoites seemed to be arranged in circles whereas in wild type oocysts the sporozoites are arranged in the typical radial fashion. Mutant sporozoites displayed a continuous circular movement around a central axis, in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions. In wild type oocysts, sporozoite bending and flexing is seen on rare occasions and in general, no motility can be observed in wild type oocysts. Mutant oocysts were more resistant to permeabilization by detergents (1% saponin) compared to wild type oocysts.
Imported from RMgmDB
P. berghei ANKA Sporozoite
Difference from wild-type
Sporozoites fail to egress from midgut oocysts. No sporozoites were detected in the hemocoel or in the salivary glands of infected mosquitoes despite efficient infection rates and high numbers of oocyst sporozoites. Mechanically liberated sporozoites from oocysts show gliding motility. Infection of Sprague/Dawley rats by intravenous injection of large numbers of mechanically liberated sporozoites (100.000) did not result in blood stage infections.
Imported from RMgmDB
P. berghei ANKA Liver
Difference from wild-type
Infection of Sprague/Dawley rats by intravenous injection of large numbers of mechanically liberated sporozoites (100.000) did not result in blood stage infections.
Imported from RMgmDB

More information

PlasmoDB PKNH_0413800
GeneDB PKNH_0413800
Malaria Metabolic Pathways Localisation images
Pathways mapped to
Previous ID(s) PK2_0590c, PKH_041270
Orthologs PBANKA_0304700 , PCHAS_0306900 , PF3D7_0207300 , PVP01_0418000 , PVX_003790 , PY17X_0305300
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