Disruptability [+]

Species Disruptability Reference Submitter
P. berghei ANKA
PlasmoGEM (Barseq) PlasmoGEM
P. falciparum 3D7
http://plasmodb.org/plasmo/showComment.do?projectId=PlasmoDB&stableId=PF3D7_1429900&commentTargetId=gene#154670 Theo Sanderson, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
P. falciparum 3D7
(Crispr-assisted). No clear asexual phenotype noted. Var gene expression maintained.
Theo Sanderson, Google AI
P. falciparum 3D7
USF piggyBac screen (Insert. mut.) USF PiggyBac Screen

Mutant phenotypes [+]

Species Stage Phenotype Reference Submitter
P. berghei ANKA Asexual
PlasmoGEM (Barseq) PlasmoGEM

Imaging data (from Malaria Metabolic Pathways)

Localization of PfWrn in different intraerythrocytic stages of P. falciparum by immunofluorescence staining and confocal microscopy. The cells were fixed and immunostained with purified primary antibodies against PfWrn followed by fluoroisothiocyanatel abeled secondary antibody and then counterstained with DAPI. In each panel, single confocal image of each stage is shown. a, b Ring stage, c trophozoite stage, and d schizont stage. In each panel, i phase contrast image, ii image of cell stained with DAPI (blue), iii immunofluorescently stained cell (green), iv superimposed image, and v merged. Wrn protein expresses and localizes mainly in the nuclear region.Rahman F, Tarique M, Ahmad M, Tuteja R. Plasmodium falciparum Werner homologue is a nuclear protein and its biochemical activities reside in the N-terminal region. Protoplasma. 2015 Apr 1. [Epub ahead of print]

See original on MMP

Co-localization of PfBlm and PfWrn by immunofluorescence dual colour staining and confocal microscopy. Panels a, b, c, d and e show the images of merozoite attached to RBC, trophozoite, early schizont, mature schizont and late schizont respectively. (i) Immunofluorescently stained cell (green, P. falciparum Wrn protein), (ii) immunofluorescently stained cell (red, PfBlm), (iii) super-imposed images of PfBlm and PfWrn, (iv) super-imposed images. The results reveal that PfWrn was found in nucleus as reported and PfBlm is expressed in nucleus as well as in cytoplasm. The co-localization of PfWrn and PfBlm was observed to some extent in invading merozoite (a) and trophozoite stages.Rahman F, Tarique M, Tuteja R. Plasmodium falciparum Bloom homologue, a nucleocytoplasmic protein, translocates in 3' to 5' direction and is essential for parasite growth. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016 May;1864(5):594-608

See original on MMP

More information

PlasmoDB PBANKA_1014800
GeneDB PBANKA_1014800
Malaria Metabolic Pathways Localisation images
Pathways mapped to
Previous ID(s) PB000339.03.0, PB001205.00.0, PB001207.00.0, PBANKA_101480
Orthologs PCHAS_1015600 , PF3D7_1429900 , PKNH_1328800 , PVP01_1319500 , PVX_085045 , PY17X_1016300
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