Disruptability [+]

Species Disruptability Reference Submitter
P. berghei ANKA
RMgm-586 Imported from RMgmDB

Mutant phenotypes [+]

Species Stage Phenotype Reference Submitter
P. berghei ANKA Asexual
No difference
RMgm-586 Imported from RMgmDB
P. berghei ANKA Gametocyte
No difference
RMgm-586 Imported from RMgmDB
P. berghei ANKA Ookinete
No difference
RMgm-586 Imported from RMgmDB
P. berghei ANKA Oocyst
Difference from wild-type
Normal numbers of oocysts. Total number of midgut sporozoites was lower compared to midgut-sporozoite production of wild type parasites. The number of salivary gland sporozoites was comparable to wild type.
Imported from RMgmDB
P. berghei ANKA Sporozoite
Difference from wild-type
Normal numbers of oocysts. Total number of midgut sporozoites was lower compared to midgut-sporozoite production of wild type parasites. The number of salivary gland sporozoites was comparable to wild type. In vivo and in vitro infectivity (as measured by prepatent period in mice and in vitro development in HuH7 hepatoma cells) of isolated sporozoites was comparable to that of wild type sporozoites. Infectivity of mosquitoes infected with mutant parasites was lower than that of mosquitoes infected with wild type parasites
Imported from RMgmDB
P. berghei ANKA Liver
Difference from wild-type
In vivo and in vitro infectivity (as measured by prepatent period in mice and in vitro development in HuH7 hepatoma cells) of isolated sporozoites was comparable to that of wild type sporozoites. Infectivity of mosquitoes infected with mutant parasites was lower than that of mosquitoes infected with wild type parasites
Imported from RMgmDB

More information

PlasmoDB PBANKA_0824700
GeneDB PBANKA_0824700
Malaria Metabolic Pathways Localisation images
Pathways mapped to
Previous ID(s) PB001157.00.0, PB301363.00.0, PBANKA_082470
Orthologs PCHAS_0825000 , PF3D7_0923800 , PF3D7_0923800 , PKNH_0721800 , PVP01_0722300 , PVX_099600 , PY17X_0828000
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